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Norwalk Wall of Fame

The Norwalk Community School District is proud to announce the establishment of a Norwalk Alumni/Staff Wall of Fame. This Wall of Fame is distinct and a different classification for the Hall of Fame. The Hall of Fame is for the recognition of athletes. The purpose of the Wall of Fame is to recognize the accomplishments of Norwalk Graduates and Staff. Anyone can nominate a candidate for induction. All nominations must be submitted by December 31 of the previous year. Induction into the Wall of Fame will take place at Commencement the following Spring.

  • Guidelines for nomination and nomination forms are provided below.
    To make a nomination in either category please follow these guidelines:
  • Nominations must be submitted in writing on the Nomination Form with a
    comprehensive explanation as to why the nominee should be selected.
  • Individuals may be nominated more than once and may qualify for more than one
    category. Groups or donors/volunteers are also eligible to be nominated.
  • Once submitted any nomination will remain active for consideration for 5 years.
  • The Norwalk Wall of Fame Nomination Committee will consider all submitted nominees.
  • The finalists will be selected by a simple majority of votes of committee members
    present. If a determination cannot be made by simple majority vote, the remaining nominees shall then be ranked by the committee members present to the elimination of those not ranked in the top.
  • There will be a maximum of 5 inductees each year.
  • The committee reserves the right to modify the protocol as agreed upon by a majority of the committee if necessary.

Graduate Criteria

  • Nominee must have attended and graduated from Norwalk High School at least 10 years prior to the nomination.
  • Since graduation, Nominee must have demonstrated notable and outstanding achievement in any of the following areas: arts, business, community service, humanitarian efforts or profession.

Notable Staff Criteria

  • Nominee must have been on staff at Norwalk Community Schools for a minimum of 10
    years and may be either currently or formerly so employed.
  • Nominee must have attained a notable level of performance by demonstrating a caring
    attitude for students, superior professional skills, and by being highly respected by
    students, staff and the community

Download a hard copy of the nomination form (PDF)

2024 Inductees

  • Alex Dorr, Graduate 2009
  • Tony Spencer, Graduate 1961
  • Tom McLaughlin, Employee 1967-2024


2023 Inductees

  • Al Hart, Employee 1979 – 2010
  • Bobbie Bishop, Graduate 1970
  • Jessica (Sand) Blonde, 1998 Graduate


2022 Inductees

  • Junior Lane, 1948 Graduate
  • Linda Bussanmas, Employee 1985-2022 
  • Louis Hanzlik, 1994 Graduate


2021 Inductees

  • Dennis Wulf, Employee 1979-2016

  • Andy Fox, 1996 Graduate

  • Merle Huff, 1945 Graduate