Portrait of a Learner: A Collaborative Process
During the 2018-19 school year, our Teaching and Learning SIAC engaged in a collaborative inquiry process to develop our Norwalk CSD Portrait of a Learner. The collective questions we sought to answer together were:
- What are the hopes, dreams and aspirations our community has for our young people?
- What are the skills and habits of mind that our children need for success in this rapidly changing world?
- What are the implications for the learning experiences we provide in our classrooms?
And ultimately…
What should it take for your graduate to walk across the stage and earn a handshake at graduation?
From this collaborative process, our SIAC was able to develop a new core mission statement that drives our work as a system.
Mission Statement: Growing Learners and Leaders
In addition to this new mission statement, our SIAC defined five core attributes of learners and leaders in our system:
Norwalk Learners and Leaders are:
- Demonstrates self-efficacy
- Demonstrates a growth mindset
- Recognizes strengths and areas of growth
- Engages in metacognition and reflection
- Proactively sets goals and self-monitors progress
- Takes purposeful initiative
- Demonstrates enthusiasm, grit and persistence
- Cultivates leadership opportunities for self and others
- Embraces curiosity and inquiry
- Engages in critical thinking
- Identifies and solves problems
- Uses creative and flexible thinking
- Demonstrates empathy and respect for others
- Appreciates diversity
- Develops equity consciousness
- Listens and communicates effectively
- Engages with the community
- Understands civic responsibilities
- Builds healthy relationships
- Participates in teamwork and collaboration