Norwalk’s Teacher Leadership and Compensation System
As an early innovator in Iowa’s Teacher Leadership and Compensation System, Norwalk Schools embraced a culture of continuous improvement through teacher leadership.
The goals of Norwalk’s Teacher Leadership and Compensation System are:
- To improve student achievement through systemic, comprehensive instructional coaching.
- To establish a professional learning community culture through collaboration and job-embedded professional development in accordance with the Iowa Professional Development Model.
- To ensure that all students receive access to the Iowa Core by supporting the development and implementation of a guaranteed and viable curriculum.
- To develop and sustain the capacity of teachers to provide evidence-based instruction within an MTSS framework.
- To expand and increase opportunities for meaningful feedback, support, and collaboration for teachers new to our district through a comprehensive, multi-year mentoring and induction program.
Our TLC Roles
Norwalk’s TLC plan defines more than fifty roles that will create increased teacher leadership opportunities for more than 25% of our teaching staff. While each role serves a differentiated purpose, they are all part of a cohesive instructional improvement plan that is targeted to Norwalk’s specific school improvement goals.