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Norwalk Schools will have a 2-hour delay tomorrow, Tuesday 21. No breakfast and no AM preschool.

The Norwalk school nurses are committed to providing your child with the best care possible in our schools. We know the value of having trained staff to deal with whatever medical or health issue your child encounters and will do what we can to meet the needs of your child in the school environment. We will communicate and collaborate with you and others in the medical field when permission is granted by you or when necessary (as in case of an emergency). We understand the responsibility we have been given and will do what we can to ensure an educational environment that promotes optimal health, wellness, and the safety of all students.

Norwalk student illness guidance for parents (PDF)

COVID-19 Information

Norwalk CSD follows COVID-19 guidance from the Iowa Dept. of Public Health, Warren County Health Services, and the Center for Disease Control to do our best to keep our students and staff safe and healthy.

Here is the guidance from the IDPH for schools as of February 2024.

When children are sick

If a child has a fever or other illness he/she will be sent to the nurse’s office and a parent/guardian will be notified. For the purpose of attendance tracking and your child’s safety, we encourage all students to check out of the building through the main office. A child must remain out of school 24 hours after a fever of 100.4 degrees or higher has broken without fever reducing medication, or if applicable, vomiting or diarrhea has stopped.

View Nurse Illness Policy

Student Medication

Any prescription medications must be brought to the school nurse by an adult with the exception of inhalers, EPI pen, diabetic medication, and seizure medications.  Any student that has medicine in the Nurse’s office will need to have an adult pick it by the last day of school.  Any medicine that has not been picked up will be disposed of per Board Policy 507.02.

If medication is to be administered at school, a medication permission form (PDF) must be filled out and signed by the parent/guardian. The medication must be in the original container which is labeled by the pharmacy or the manufacturer with the name of the student, name of the medication, time of day which it is to be given, dosage and duration if applicable. Over-the-counter medication as provided by the parent/guardian such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, cough drops, etc. requires parent/guardian’s written permission and must be brought in the original labeled container with specific directions. Over-the-counter medications will be administered according to dosage guidelines unless a doctor’s order states otherwise.

Medication permission form (PDF)

Authorization to Carry and Self-Administer Asthma Medication

State Law Requirements

In compliance with the laws set forth by The Iowa Department of Public Health, all students attending public school in Iowa must submit documentation to the School Nurse’s office for the following requirements:

Iowa Code, Chapter 139a.8 (6) and Iowa Administrative Code, 641-7.7(139) outline the immunization requirement for students attending licensed child care centers and elementary or secondary schools. Students shall have received the required immunizations and submit the Iowa Department of Public Health Certificate of Immunization or have a valid Medical or Religious Exemption form completed and submitted to the school district or building nurse.

Immunization Requirements form

Medical Exemption form

Religious Exemption form

Vitamins, Oils, Topicals, Herbs and Supplements

Only medications regulated by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) will be administered at school. (per Board Policy 507.02)

Note: This includes vitamins, oils, topicals, herbs, and supplements.

Meningococcal vaccine (grades 7 and 12th only)

Students entering 7th grade shall have one dose of meningococcal conjugate vaccine (A,C,W,Y). Students entering 12th grade shall have two doses of meningococcal conjugate vaccine (A,C,W,Y); or one dose if the dose was previously received when the student was sixteen years of age or older. There is no provisional period to implement this requirement if the seventh-grade or twelfth-grade student has received no meningococcal conjugate vaccine.

Meningococcal Vaccine Requirement Q & A (updated 4/07/2017)

State Rules: Immunization and Immunization Education: Persons Attending Elementary or Secondary Schools.

Dental screening (grades K and 9th only)

All students enrolling in kindergarten and entering  9th grade are required to have a dental screening. This requirement was passed by the 2007 legislature and became effective July 1, 2008. The purpose of the dental screening requirement is to improve the oral health of Iowa’s children. Dental screenings help with early detection and treatment of dental disease; promote the importance of oral health for school readiness and learning, and contribute to statewide surveillance of oral health.

Dental form (K and 9th grade students)

Iowa school dental screening information

Vision screening (grades K and 3rd only)

The purpose of the child vision screening program is to improve the eye health and vision of Iowa’s children. The child vision screening program establishes a comprehensive vision evaluation effort to facilitate early detection and referral for treatment of visual impairment in order to reduce vision impairment in children.

Vision Screening Form

Iowa school vision screening information

Other forms and links

Head Lice

Flu Guide for Parents

Warren County Health Services (immunization clinic)


Contact our nurses