Counseling and school-based therapy services are available for students at each school building in the district. The school counselors are listed at the bottom of the page.
School-Based Therapists
Our district school-based therapists provide individual support to students and families. Due to the limited capacity of our contracted school-based therapists, referrals must go through the building school counselor prior to getting set up. Therefore, please direct all inquiries to your child’s school counselor.

Student Assistance Program (SAP) – For students and their families
The SAP is designed to assist students, families, and schools in our partner districts to manage the impact a wide variety of personal and family problems can have on student behavior and achievement.
Many issues can negatively impact a student, including those related to family conflict, emotional or mental health problems, limited parenting skills, substance abuse, bullying, and other forms of peer conflict. Services provided include telephonic consultation, in-person counseling sessions, and referrals to community resources, if needed.
The Student Assistance Program (SAP) is here to help you and your immediate family members manage the concerns in your life. The SAP is available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and is strictly confidential.
Additional resources
A free service for those who have experienced COVID-19
Text: Hello to 741741
For additional support and resources on a number of mental health issues, suicidal thoughts and addictions.
Norwalk School Counselors
Rachel Ertz 6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade (A-K)School CounselorMiddle School
Lisa Boge 6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade (L-Z)School CounselorMiddle School