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Norwalk Community School District Board Policy Regulation

School District-Community Relations

Policy Title: Rental Facilities Rules and Regulations

Categories of users

Class A: School district and district organizations:

  1. Regular classroom activities
  2. School activities for students
  3. School activities for parents or adult residents of the district
  4. Board approved groups and organizations
  5. District sponsored activities for district staff
  6. Board approved community education activities

Class B: Public agencies and district co-sponsored activities:

  1. Community social, civic or service organizations sponsoring money making activities with all proceeds directly benefiting the schools
  2. Norwalk government units or committees
  3. Request for National, State and Local elections (This does not include political caucus except on presidential election )

Class C: Individual youth groups or adult groups (20 and under):

  1. Groups must consist of 75% in district youth and be no larger than 20 participants or one team. Team rosters with addresses will need to be submitted with rental application. Rental is for practices or group meetings.
  2. Parents wishing to use the facility to teach a small number of
  3. Organizations such as Youth Athletics, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts or adult groups under 20. This category is for individual teams, packs, groups etc. It is not for the use of an entire
  4. Youth groups under the direction of paid person do not qualify for Class
  5. All groups will be required to pay for a facility supervisor at the rate of $25.00 per hour.

Class D: Non-profit and civil organizations (groups larger than 20):

  1. A nonprofit group is defined as an organization that does not distribute its surplus funds to owners, members or shareholders but instead uses them to help pursue its goals. The district reserves the right to ask for a 501c non-profit form if an organization’s non-profit status is in question. This could include but not be limited to community, social, civic or services organizations for purposes that have educational, recreational or cultural purposes, local church services, religious classes and activities, and business concerns located within and paying property taxes to the Norwalk Community School District for activities not conducted for profit.
  2. Non-profit groups are assigned to this category based on the number of participants (more than 20).
  3. The district reserves the right to waive rent for any nonprofit youth group that donates a portion of its proceeds back to the school from a money making event.
  4. The district reserves the right to waive rent for any group that benefits district youth at their event that is not hosting a money making
  5. The district reserves the right to waive rent for non-youth organizations that assist the school with resources that benefit our local youth or the
  6. When nonprofit groups have events where local youth participate with out of district youth, the 75% rule is waived.

Class E: Out of district private interest groups and organizations or for profit organizations:

  1. Business concerns located in the Norwalk Community School District or Private interest out of district groups will be charged double the nonprofit in district
  2. Out of district for profit groups will be charged double the in district for profit group
  3. Business concerns located in the Norwalk Community School District that want to use the buildings/grounds for activities conducted for

Note: The School District has a committee that will review all requests for out of district activities or for profit activities. The committee will consist of the Superintendent, Executive Director of Administrative Services, Activities Director, Technology Director, and Buildings and Grounds Director. The committee may make recommendations with the provision that we have the authority to limit use based on but not limited to the size, duration, and complexity of each event. Their recommendation may go to the Board for final approval. This committee will report to the Board annually with recommendations for changes to the administrative rules and regulations.

Note: The school district facilities will not be available for individual private interest events such as but not limited to: birthdays, family reunions, weddings, funerals, celebrations of life, memorials, graduations, etc.

Prioritizing use of facilities

  1. All district activities will be scheduled
    • Regular classroom activities
    • School activities for students
    • School activities for parents
    • Board approved groups and organizations
    • District sponsored activities for district staff
    • Board approved community education activities
  2. All Park & Recreation Activities will be scheduled second. The Park & Recreation Department operates under a 28E agreement with the School.
  3. The Activities Director will create deadlines for seasonal youth activities covered under category C and D before scheduling adult
  4. All other rental activities will be scheduled on a first come first serve

Scheduling of Facilities

  1. Facilities can be requested any times available from 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM, 7 days per week.
  2. The school facilities are not available on school designated holidays.
  3. When school is cancelled or dismisses early for weather related reasons all rentals are cancelled. The school district also reserves the right to cancel weekend rental activities when the conditions are unsafe.
  4. Youth groups in Class C will be limited to 90 minutes no more than twice per
  5. The Activities Director will establish deadlines for application for seasonal sports in order to give them priority over other events. The Activities Director reserves the right to deviate from the in season schedule if space is
A. Youth Volleyball Sept-Oct
B. Youth Basketball Oct-Feb
C. Club Volleyball Nov-Feb
D. Youth SB & BB Feb-Mar

Rental Process

  1. Renters request a facility by obtaining and filling out a request form from the Activities Office or district website. The dates are approved, adjusted or not approved. Approved requests are forwarded to the Building and Grounds department.
  2. The Building & Grounds Department contacts the renter in order to schedule a meeting to complete the rental transaction. Requirements of the meeting are listed below:
    1. District rental contract be signed and dated by both parties. This contract includes a hold harmless clause.
    2. District rules and regulations specific to each facility will be explained, signed and dated by both parties. For events this process must be completed one month in advance of the contract date.
    3. The renter will provide proof of insurance. For all groups a $1,000,000 liability policy is required.
    4. The district determines fees and how to secure access to the facility for the renter. Access can be through a hired employee or district ID badge.
  • ID badges require a $25.00 processing fee
  • Category A:  No charge
  • Category B: No Charge
  • Category C: There will be a $25.00 per hour charge for a facility supervisor.
  • Category D: The following rental fees will apply to this category.
  • Category E: For out of district nonprofit and in district for profit rental rates are double the rate below. For all out of district for profit groups the rate is double the in district for profit rental rates.
Gym Rental

$30.00 per hour ($15.00 per court)

The following gyms are for rent:

  • Lakewood
  • Oviatt (only gym available for baseball & softball)
  • Middle School
  • High School balcony
  • High School Wrestling Room
  • Gym rental is for gym only; no locker rooms are available
  • District gym equipment is not available for use by renters
  • Permission will need to be granted by the activities director to install volleyball standards

$25.00 per hour

  1. Cafeterias available for rent:
    • Eastview ($15.00 for East side)
    • Lakewood
    • Oviatt All Purpose
  2. Cafeteria rental is for cafeteria only.
  3. Ovens and kitchens are not available
Stadium Rental

$100.00 per hour

  1. Stadium rental is for field or track.
  2. No locker rooms are
  3. District stadium equipment is not available for use by
  4. Permission will need to be granted by the Activities Director in order to use field markers.
  5. Stadium technician is required for use of lights or scoreboard (see personnel charges)
  6. Use of Lights will be an additional $40.00 per hour
Auditorium Rental

$150–$595 per hour, please email for rates applicable to your group & situation.

  1. Auditorium rental includes seating, stage and two changing rooms
  2. Auditorium technician is required for the use of lights or sound system (see personnel charges)
“Track Only” for Runners/Walkers
  1. Track is available for runners or walkers between 6:00 AM and 9:00 PM seven (7) days a week unless otherwise rented or for district
  2. There is a $25 processing fee
Outside Facilities

Outside facilities available for rent for events: $30.00 per hour

  1. Junior High Softball Field
  2. Middle School Baseball Field
  3. Norwalk Tennis Courts
  4. Football/Soccer Fields
Classroom/foyer: $15.00 per hour

Chairs will be available for use in foyers. Renters must set up and tear down.

The following facilities are not for rent.

  • Varsity Baseball Field
  • Varsity Softball Field
  • Administrative areas
  • Special Education classrooms
  • Computer Labs
  • Science, Fine Arts and Industrial tech classrooms
  • Varsity Basketball Court
  • Warrior café
  • Band Room
  • Choir Room

The Rental Facilities Committee reserves the right to consider requests for these facilities.

Personnel Charges: Rental charges are separate from personnel charges. All fees will be paid directly to technicians prior to the event. Rent Fees and custodial fees will be paid to the district after the event. The district will bill the renter.

Custodian: $35.00 per hour (minimum four (4) hour charge). If an administrator/director agrees to supervise an activity when custodians are not on duty, we can reduce the custodial hours to a minimum of four (4).

Auditorium Tech: $25.00 per hour, minimum four (4) hour charge.

Stadium Tech: $25.00 per hour, minimum four (4) hour charge

Facility Supervisor: $30 per hour when the district determines a facility supervisor is required.

The district reserves the right to hire a security officer when necessary. All costs will be renter’s responsibility.

Approved: May 23, 2011

Revised: June 27, 2016; August 28, 2017; December 11, 2017; July 9, 2018