​Dear Warrior Families,

Beginning the week of April 13th, Norwalk Community Schools will be providing Voluntary Educational Enrichment Opportunities (VEEO) to all students in grades Preschool through 12th grade. These educational enrichment opportunities follow the guidelines provided by the Iowa Department of Education.  These educational enrichment opportunities are not required and will not be scored or entered into Infinite Campus.  However, teachers will be providing feedback to students on their work to continue to move their learning forward. In addition to feedback on learning, teachers will be doing some type of weekly check-in with students and holding office hours each week as well to be a support to you and your students.

At the elementary level, all grade level teachers, specials and support staff will create and share weekly agendas via our new shared platform: PK-5th Optional Academic Resources.  This resource will be updated by Monday morning to allow for you to engage during the week at the times that work for you and your family.

At the secondary level, your child’s teachers will post optional learning for the week on Google Classroom and/or through Infinite Campus Messenger. Students have the required code and most likely have already joined their teacher’s Google Classroom. This post will include the learning focus for the week as well as what they will need to complete and any resources they will need to access.  If you need support in accessing Google Classroom for any course, please connect with your child’s teacher. No items assigned after March 12th will be included in the student’s grade, though teachers may provide feedback to students on submitted work in support of learning.

As a Warrior community, we know that these are challenging and uncertain times.  Our hope is that these increased supports and streamlined processes will help to create some consistency and predictability for you and your students. We know that this learning structure is not the same as physically being in the school building. We will not be expecting students to spend eight hours a day in front of their Chromebooks. We know that each family’s situation is different during this time, and we want to make sure that the learning we are providing is flexible and meets the needs of your individual family.

If you require paper copies or need help with access to the resources shared, please reach out to your child’s teacher and/or building principal.

Important District News: 
School Board Approves VEEO CONTINUOUS LEARNING PLAN on April 6, 2020
Iowa Department of Education Approves the NCSD VEEO plan on April 8, 2020

The Norwalk CSD will host a second Virtual Town Hall Meeting on
Saturday, April 11 @ 10:00 AM
Join Meeting Here: https://stream.meet.google.com/stream/57a908b2-ae42-4586-91bc-a1e01e72d91d

Phone # +1 980-533-1736  PIN:248 519 220#

Submit 4/11 Town Hall Questions Here: Town Hall Questions Form