Revtrak’s student fee payment system is now online. Below are the instructions to access and pay your student fees. There is also a video demo to walk you through the steps visually.
Step 1) Go to https://norwalk.revtrak.net to access the Norwalk portal.
Step 2) Login using your current Revtrak account. Create an account if you’re a new user.
Step 3) Select the “Student Fee Payments” box.
Step 4) On the left side toolbar select “Add student” NOTE: this step is only applicable for your first login. Once a student has been added to your account, you will skip this step.
Step 5) Enter “Student ID” – To find a student ID number; go to the parent portal (from the Norwalk homepage), click on “Today” tab, student ID number will display immediately to the right of your student’s picture at the top of the screen.
Step 6) Enter “PIN”. This will be the same number as your student ID.
Step 7) Add fees to cart.
Step 8) Make payment.
To access the video walkthrough, click this link.
After your student is linked to your account you will receive an email any time a new fee is added to your account.
Friendly reminder, textbook rental fees must be paid by June 30, 2022 for the early bird discount.
Any outstanding balances from Infinite Campus fees will be loaded into your Revtrak account as a lump sum. This process may take some time. You will be notified by email when fees post to your student’s account if they are not loaded at the initial link.
Thank you for your understanding and patience as the district moves to this new software. If you have any questions or concerns please email revtrak@norwalk.k12.ia.us