4_2_20 NCSD School Communication Parents
Dear Warrior Families,
We want you to know that Norwalk Schools remains committed to helping students and families during these challenging times. Even though the Norwalk Community School District’s doors are still closed and will remain closed until April 30th, our school’s heart is still going strong. While academics are very important for our students, we do not want to add any additional stress to you and your family. Based on the current Iowa Department of Education guidance on what districts can and cannot do, our District will continue to provide K-12th grade academic resources for parents to utilize at home. A list of academic resources can be found on our website at norwalkschools.org.
At this time, the District is very close to finalizing an online learning platform that will be presented to the School Board for approval on Monday, April 6th. With Board approval, we will work with Norwalk teachers to begin the next phase of preparation and will share more information with you starting Tuesday, April 7th. There is no greater time for all community members to extend care, grace and understanding towards each other. We will get through this together. Please continue to practice social distancing. Stay home, stay safe and STAY WARRIOR STRONG! If you have any questions, please reach out to District staff members or to me.
Yours in service,
D.T. Magee, Superintendent