3/22 COVID-19 Communication to Families
We know this is an unprecedented time in our country and the world. Together we will get through this. We understand there is a great amount of uncertainty and concern among our families, staff, and community. Here is the information that we have as of right now:
School Closure
The Norwalk Community School District is closed for four weeks with an expected return date of Monday, April 13, 2020. Governor Reynolds signed legislation waiving the instructional time requirement for school days missed during the next four weeks (through Friday, April 10). This means students will not need to make up any of the days missed between now and April 10, pending board approval. She also requested the authority to extend the waiver, if additional days off are needed.
- All District Preschools will be closed including Cadence Academy.
- All athletic practices and competitions are canceled or postponed.
- All performing arts practices and events are canceled or postponed.
- Programs housed at any Norwalk Schools are canceled or postponed.
- The rental or use of Norwalk CSD space by outside organizations will not be allowed during the closure.
Food Service
Norwalk CSD Nutrition Services will begin offering meal pickups from 11:30 – 12:30 starting Monday, March 23 at Lakewood Elementary parking lot or the Norwalk City Park. https://www.norwalkschools.org/2020/03/emergency-meal-service-for-children-under-18-years-of-age/
Education Plan
At this time virtual/online learning is not an option for Iowa K-12 school districts. According to guidance from the Iowa Department of Education, schools may choose to use online learning options, but they may not require student participation. Current Iowa K-12 education is very different from many colleges who are transitioning to virtual learning after Spring Break.
While online learning is not required, here are some suggested resources for families or students looking for learning opportunities while their students are home. This is not a comprehensive list, but a place for families to get started after Spring Break. Your child’s teacher may also have some suggestions of some online resources.
Suggested Online Learning Resources
There is a great deal of information available to families online to support learning at home, and many companies are offering these at no cost during school closures. It’s easy to get overwhelmed with all of the information out there. We would recommend starting with one or two resources, and keep it simple. Having a structured routine will help, and giving your children a chance to read, write, respond, solve, communicate, move, create, and discover will sustain and build learning. Please remember this is not required and any online learning will not count toward your student’s hours or grades.
Additional Resources for Families
- We recognize that the news and uncertainty surrounding the coronavirus could be a source of anxiety for some students. The Norwalk CSD would like to provide parents with resources to help guide your conversations with your child on this topic.
- Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
- Employee & Family Resources’ (EFR) Student Assistance Program (SAP) remains open and accessible to students and families through these unprecedented times.
- Phone support is available 24/7/365 at 515-244-6090. Assessment, referral and brief counseling sessions are also still available but will be available by video conference or telephone only as of March 18, 2020.
- Norwalk Schools Coronavirus Board Update
We don’t have all the answers yet and we appreciate your patience as we wait to receive more information and recommendations provided by the Governor’s office, the Iowa Department of Education, state and local health officials, and the federal government to make adjustments. We will work to keep everyone well informed and continue to ensure the safety of our students, staff, and community as information becomes available to us. Updates and changes will be posted on our website at norwakschools.org, Facebook @norwalkcsd, Twitter @NorwalkSchools, and via email to families and staff.
Yours in service,
D.T. Magee, Superintendent